

location. ground level.
corner. single story building.
roll up garage door.
at the intersection of
Degraw and Van Brunt Streets, Brooklyn.
the arrows point the direction the traffic must go
the trailer trucks need two lanes to make the turn

asphalt road surface in front of roll up steel door
tar is dribbled over the asphalt
the video projector is installed on a work table
behind the roll up door
the corrugated steel panel building
a section of a wood fence leans up against
the grey metal steel siding
creates one wall of the garage
the other wall is the concrete exterior wall of the house adjacent
between the two walls the video projector projects

A video of an opening in Chelsea is projected onto a rear projection scrim which has been stretched tight inside the door opening of the garage storage space which spans the area of the the roll up door opening. The projector is on a table inside the garage. The video of the opening was taken with a Go Pro Hero 4 camera. The artist walks through the opening around people talking and drinking with the Go Pro Hero 4. The subsequent performance. The performance at Degraw and Van Brunt Streets takes place on July 10, 2016 in the evening. The video of the opening is projected on the screen. The artist video records the projection of the opening on the rear projection screen.

a falafel food cart business is two buildings away from the corrugated sheet metal shed which houses the projector. the food carts are stored in the building and rolled out every day to be hooked to cars which pull them to manhattan to serve middle eastern food to office workers. there are two sewer grates which the falafel cart employees pour leftover liquids down. in the summer the sewers begin to smell of foetid rotten food. a deflated basketball sits on top of the grating.
