shore Road Overpass


Shore Road runs parallel to the Verrazano Narrows which combines the waters of the Hudson River and East River before it passes under the Verrazano Bridge before it flows into the Atlantic Ocean. The Verrazano Bridge can be seen from one side of the overpass while the tip of Manhattan is visible from the other. The Belt Parkway separates a bicycle/runners path from Shore Park and can only be crossed at several junctures via overpasses. The police often wait in their patrol cars on the embankment next to the Belt Parkway for passenger cars speeding. The overpass at approximately 82nd street has a wire mesh partial covering to keep people from throwing things off the overpass. Or perhaps to keep people from jumping off.

The 82nd Street overpass has been decorated with locks with lovers' initials or declarations scratched into the surface. Not as many locks as the Pont des Arts in Paris did at one time, but then a bridge crossing the Belt Parkway in Brooklyn does not have the same romantic impact. The Eclipse Replay 4GB MP3 Keychain Digital Music/Video Player w/1.8" LCD looks like a small padlock. It resembles the hundred other locks which cover the overpass. It was midwinter. The Verrazano Narrows was covered with sheets of broken up ice. A sampled video of young men and women running naked in slow motion into the ocean was playing on the Eclipse Replay.

People often decorate the light poles with posters informing passersby of stoop sales or criminal behavior or lost dogs or music concerts or homicide in the park.

It is not unusual to find household items thrown away next to the garbage cans which the city provides for picnic waste.
