
The styrofoam boogie board floats down the Gowanus Canal at the 3rd St bridge. A plywood 'screen' is attached to the top of the board. An aaxa p4 projects the video of a young man standing on a surfboard and paddling through small waves. The surfer in the video was standup paddle board surfing off of Ditch Plains in Montauk.

In the documentation video, the water level in the Gowanus Canal is high from recent rains, giveing the impression of surface beauty belying the submerged pollution. A month or so ago a man in a wet suit was standing and paddling a surf board near the newly completed 300 unit condo building. Swimming is not recommended although that has been done as a stunt as well. Also in wet suit.

paddle surfing in the
ocean off Ditch Plains, Montauk, New York
Ditch Plains is the last beach on Long Island before the light house.

The Gowanus Canal was once a creek before the 1640's when Dutch millers enlarged the creek to allow more water to flow up the canal from the east river to make grinding grains in a new mill easier. Eventually the canal was dredged and widened to become a major industrial waterway before it became a major polluted waterway. A flushing tunnel pump was reactivated in 1999 which brought in more water from the East River. Now the canal actually looks relatively clean compared to the oil slick sludge mess that was normal.
