bonneville Salt flats utah

The Bonneville Salt Flats is a densely packed salt pan in northwestern Utah.
The Flats were formed when an ancient lake, Lake Bonneville, dried up.
west to east Interstate Highway 80 runs through the salt flats east to west.

he was driving east from Nevada on Interstate 80. there are signs

for a rest stop at the Nevada-Utah border where travellers can stop

and walk out onto the salt flats. he did not stop, however, thinking

that there would be other, better areas with fewer people present

where he could stop and walk out onto the salt flats . he continued

to drive, straight. the road was straight. no exits. eventually fifty

miles later there is a sign for a frontage road. he leaves the

highway and drives down the frontage road between the railway tracks

and a broad salt flat next to the highway. stop.

What precautions are taken on railways to prevent

the train from leaving the rails when rounding a

curve? Do any extra precautions have to be taken

in this respect in the case of a single-track

railway which carries traffic in both directions?

The video playing on the lcd monitor is an original video of three scuba divers wearing

wet suits standing next to or wading out of Lake Tahoe. They are carrying their flippers

and wearing a single white air tank. The water in Lake Tahoe comes from rivers of snow

runoff from the surrounding mountain winter snow pack melting into summer. Very cold.

In order to get to the Bonneville Salt Flats he drives through Nevada.

While driving on Interstate 80 in Nevada he passes through an area where the

land becomes a broad basin which channels the wind across the highway which

funnels trucks across the United States. Signs warn of high winds. Gusts blow,

trailers sway. Driving becomes hazardous. Winnemucca approaches he exits.

A motel 6 is next to an interstate truck stop gas station. Chinese chicken

and broccoli from the mini mall across the street. There has been an accident

on the highway. A trailer truck has overturned creating a multi-vehicle pile

up. The police have blocked the highway in both directions until the wrecks

can be cleared. All the trucks on the highway have been directed into Winnemucca.

The gas station next to the motel fills up with trucks, trailers and cabs

lining up on the paved parking lot. The drivers wait.
